Fa`Diel is the name of the world in which at least some of the games of the Mana series take place. This project goal is to make an interchangeable API endpoint for a simple Shop using PHP, JavaScript, and Golang programming language.
Interchangeable API means that the payload and response are all same.
Things that are being utilized:
- Images are uploaded to Amazon Web Services S3
- Using JWT as authentication
- Using UUID v4 for table IDs
- Same validation process and message
- Same payload and response
All of those are same so the Admin Panel doesn’t need to do anything.
Golang API
- Is using Gin web framework
- Using Gorp for database access
Laravel API
- Standard Laravel library
JavaScript API
- Is built on top of Node.js using Express.js web framework
- Is using indicative for data validation
- Multer for file uploading
Vue Admin
This is the Admin UI in which the interchangeable APIs are being used